Beatrix नाम परिभाषा

Beatrix नाम परिभाषा: अन्य भाषामा, हिज्जे र उच्चारण भिन्न, नाम Beatrix को महिला र पुरुष भिन्न यो नाम।

परिभाषित Beatrix

Probably from Viatrix, a feminine form of the Late Latin name Viator which meant "voyager, traveller". It was a common name amongst early Christians, and the spelling was altered by association with Latin beatus "blessed". Viatrix or Beatrix was a 4th-century saint who was strangled to death during the persecutions of Diocletian.

In England the name became rare after the Middle Ages, but it was revived in the 19th century, more commonly in the spelling Beatrice. Famous bearers include the British author and illustrator Beatrix Potter (1866-1943), the creator of Peter Rabbit, and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (1938-).

Beatrix केटी नाम हो?

हो, नाम Beatrix स्त्री लिङ्ग छ।

नाम पुरुष प्रकारका Beatrix

नाम Beatrix यस्तै पुरुष नाम छ। एउटा नाम जस्तै पुरुष नाम Beatrix:

जहाँ नाम Beatrix देखि आउँछ?

नाम Beatrix सबैभन्दा सामान्य जर्मन, HUNGARIAn, डच, अंग्रेजी, लेट रोमन।

Beatrix नाम भिन्न